Frequently Asked Questions

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a popular refractive eye surgery that corrects vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The surgery involves reshaping the cornea using a laser, allowing light entering the eye to be focused properly on the retina, resulting in clearer vision

 Candidates for LASIK should be at least 18 years old, have a stable prescription for at least one year, and have healthy corneas without any history of eye diseases or eye injuries. Your eye doctor will perform a detailed examination to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Though LASIK is known to have a high success rate, potential risks and complications include dry eyes, glare, halos around lights, undercorrection, overcorrection, and regression of vision. In rare cases, patients may develop complications such as corneal ectasia or infections. It is crucial to discuss these risks with your eye doctor before deciding to undergo the surgery

The LASIK procedure involves creating a thin flap on the cornea with either a microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser. Then, an excimer laser is used to shape and sculpt the corneal tissue based on your specific prescription. The flap is then repositioned, and the cornea is allowed to heal naturally.

The actual LASIK procedure typically takes less than 5 minutes per eye. The laser treatment itself lasts anywhere from 20 to 50 seconds, depending on the amount of correction needed.

Numbing eye drops are applied to the eye before the procedure, so patients generally experience minimal discomfort during LASIK. Some may feel slight pressure or discomfort when the flap is being created. After the surgery, patients might experience mild dryness, itching, or a foreign body sensation, which usually resolves within a few days.

Most patients notice a significant improvement in vision within the first 24 hours after LASIK. It is common for patients to return to work and resume normal activities within a day or two. However, your vision may continue to improve and stabilize over a few weeks.

LASIK surgery costs can vary based on factors such as your location and the technology used. Prices typically range between $1,000 to $3,000 per eye. Insurance companies often consider LASIK an elective procedure, so many insurance policies do not cover the surgery.

In some cases, LASIK can be performed again (known as LASIK enhancement) if you experience any significant changes in your vision. However, it is crucial to consult with your eye doctor to determine the best course of action. Sometimes a change indicates the development of a cataract and cataract surgery may be more appropriate.  

If you are not a suitable candidate for LASIK or wish to explore alternative options, other refractive surgeries include PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy), LASEK (Laser-Assisted Subepithelial Keratomileusis), Epi-LASIK, and RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange). It is essential to consult with an eye care professional to discuss which option may be the best fit for your specific needs.  Always consult your surgeon for personalized advice and recommendations specific to your eye health and vision correction needs.

Schedule an Appointment by Calling 812-421-2020.

 Dr. David Malitz. Participating with Medicare and virtually all local insurance plans. We offer treatment for the full spectrum of eye conditions (Cataract, Vision Correction, Clear Lens Exchange, Glaucoma, Cornea, Retina, Ocular Plastics, Pediatrics, Trauma.